Songs From Today - Day 2

The papers today were full of the story of Manfred Fritz Bajorat, a German sailor whose remarkably preserved remains were found by a fisherman in yacht off the coast of Phillipines.

We found a collection of work by Barry Cornwall (1787–1874) in the Vaughn Williams Memorial library which included the line "death whenever he come to me shall come on the wide unbounded sea", and wrote the song for Manfred Fritz Bajorat around that phrase.

Found upon the sayo
Far away from land
All adrift a sailor o
Far from land

Harsh the winds in Essen blow
Far away from land
Underway due south to go
Far from land

Twenty years at sea alone
Far away from land
All adrift a sailor o
Far from land

Death whenever he come to me
Shall come on the wide unbounded sea

Death had come to take his soul
Far away from land
Left his body in the hull
Far from land

Salty air did dry his bones
Far away from land
Many years a ghost unknown
Far from land

Fishermen did find him so
Far away from land
Pulled him into Barobo
Far from land

Death whenever he come to me
Shall come on the wide unbounded sea

Posted by Ange Hardy on March 1st 2016

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